When you outsource to Philippine call centers, you are somewhat relinquishing a certain level of control over operations. This is a cause of worry among business owners who fear that outsourcing may result in low-quality outputs especially since operations are done literally thousands of miles away from the mother company.
In spite of this, businesses do not have to give up complete control of the outsourced operations. They can maintain a certain level of control and ensure high quality services from the offshore facilities by taking certain steps.
Addressing “loss of control”
There are various reasons why businesses are uncomfortable with the idea of giving up control over their outsourced processes. This includes the lack of prior outsourcing experience, or uncertainty with the offshore service provider’s reliability.
Companies can stay in control by carefully planning ahead, helping them manage risks and even mitigate possible disasters. They should choose an outsourcing provider that can demonstrate its capabilities even during the initial selection process and contract negotiation. The provider should have sufficient experience and can enhance the services to be outsourced.
Clients should also define appropriate service levels and performance metrics at the start of the engagement. They may choose to set penalties or incentives depending on the performance of their outsourced employees in call centers in the Philippines.
In addition, they should also consistently monitor and review processes. This will help identify areas of concern, so that these can be properly addressed. In line with this, clients may assign dedicated managers whose sole responsibility is to monitor outsourced tasks.
In essence, clients hand over business functions to offshore providers that can accomplish them more efficiently at a lower cost. However, there are still risks related to loss of control. This can be managed by selecting the right provider, defining service levels, and maintaining effective governance that includes regular monitoring.