In 2013, the technical support outsourcing segment of the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry focused more on giving multi-channeled service and developing mobile solutions. In the coming year, these two trends will likely continue and become even more prevalent.
Multi-channeled support
As the use of handheld devices and social media emerged, the public’s demand for alternative service channels and additional service options also grew. Customers today want to receive services the way they want it, when they need it.
In 2014, expect tech support services to be delivered in these channels more often:
- Real-time chat
- Video
- Social media
Mobile-ready support
The year 2013 has been a prosperous year for the e-commerce world because Internet retailers experienced record-breaking sales from massive bargain events. Seeing that a large portion of global consumers conduct transactions via mobile devices, technical support outsourcing firms will most likely continue using mobile tools in 2014.
Tech support apps will be developed, and these will let customers fix tech issues by themselves by watching how-to videos or reading user manuals that are provided by these customer service apps. Providing technical support using a personal device will also be helpful for brands that want to avoid bad publicity from complaints that are publicly posted in their social media pages and official websites.
Customers will continuously choose the platform where they want tech support services to be conducted. And to answer that demand, businesses will provide alternative channels like smartphone apps, which can also be used to tone down negative publicity and make companies more reachable.
Open Access BPO provides voice and non-voice technical support solutions. Visit our website or join us on Google+ to know more about the other services we offer.