Customers don’t want robotic, overly formal customer service. They want conversations—real, humanized conversations.
As customers are becoming smarter about which brands to trust, it’s becoming clear that the future of business is all about relationship building. Contact center strategies, as much as possible, must be personalized to fit the market’s evolving preferences. If outsourcing companies can’t keep up with these changes, they’ll cease to be relevant both in the customer service and tech support sphere.
Philippine call centers, on the other hand, are staying on top of their game. Having been cited by Tholons as one of the best outsourcing destinations in the world, it’s apparent that the country’s business process outsourcing (BPO) sector is keeping up so well with the rapidly transforming landscape.
There are plenty of things that customer service providers in the Philippines do differently. But the most important of these is how they were able to cultivate a customer-focused organizational culture. As a customer experience strategy, this elevates call center transactions to relationship-building opportunities.
Companies that can execute this successfully are a rare breed. Philippine BPO firms focus on the following core activities to fully capture customers’ attention.
Leveraging multiple platforms
BPO companies that expand their service platforms merely for the sake of technological advancement will most likely fail. Having the right tools in their right places is just the first step. After that, call centers must be able to integrate them perfectly within their already established customer care strategies. Great conversations must always be the main goal. Otherwise, their entire plan would most probably collapse.Philippine call centers rely on their wide and diverse talent pool to support tech expansions without sacrificing their performance. They gradually introduce new tools or processes to the organization, ensuring first that they have all capabilities necessary to make internal transitions smooth.
Continuous customer support
When we say “continuous,” we’re referring not just to 24/7 availability, although a contact center in the Philippines surely can provide that. Beyond this, however, outsourcing firms in the country ensure that customers complete the rest of their purchasing journey happily.To do this, agents take care of everything a customer might need later on after their conversation. Because of their service-oriented organizational culture, agents are able to embrace the entire customer journey. They strive to always go the extra mile to make everything easier for a customer.
Friendly customer service
Customer service managers often take for granted the value of being friendly to callers. In reality, however, friendly customer service—observable through warm greetings, open-ended questions, and a people-oriented approach—is worth millions of dollars.This works favorably for Philippine call centers, whose agents naturally give off a warm, relaxed vibe. This attitude allows them to get along with customers effortlessly. Thus, they also have a knack for appeasing frustrated and dissatisfied callers.
For contact centers in the Philippines, everything revolves around the customer. They are fully aware of the impacts of the organizational culture on relationship building. As such, their customer experience strategy is built around a genuine desire to engage consumers in a conversation and make them want to listen. Having this outlook allows them to thrive in a competitive industry.
As a top Philippine call center, Open Access BPO provides multichannel and multilingual customer experience and back office support to businesses of all sizes. Get in touch with us to start your outsourcing journey towards a better customer-brand experience.