When we took a a side-by-side look at the industries that are commonly served by call centers in the Philippines, we saw polarized rankings on businesses under the financial services industry.
A great salesperson knows that in order to reach marketing success, a business must not rely on self-initiated efforts in promoting one s brand alone. A business wanting to earn prominence must always have its own network of ambassadors that can attest to the credibility of the brand. With strong customer relationships and an efficient […]
The vast selection of online tools available to customers may make it seem that Philippine call centers and other forms of providing voice-based customer service are now a thing of the past, especially for the young, gadget-toting population. People can just pull out their smartphones, tap a few icons, and get instant answers without needing […]
Thanksgiving is among the busiest time of the year not only for holiday shoppers but especially for business owners as well. Normally, retail stores, online shops, and businesses would prepare for the impending rush way ahead of time. Amidst all the mayhem of going over last minute protocols, adding more sales or customer service staff, […]
If call centers in the Philippines have one friend they can’t live without, it’s probably digital technology. And what business can survive without it in the information age? It’s nearly impossible to get things done without Googling for answers, checking emails, and communicating with customers and partners via phone or the web. As processes get […]
We’ve established in a recent post that blogging is an ideal marketing strategy for businesses that aim to build a presence online by sharing content that is relevant to their target audience. There, we shared three steps that are fundamental to providers of business process outsourcing (BPO) services in the Philippines when choosing the right […]
User interface (UI) tune-up is one of the preps that businesses do in order to keep up with the holiday rush. They update their inventory and revamp their site’s design and layout, social media accounts, and other web-based tools to give that holiday vibe. For those who rely on business process outsourcing (BPO) services in […]