A good customer relation management (CRM) software is becoming a staple component in most companies today. Not only can it organize your interactions with clients, it can also boost profits by automating and streamlining processes of key departments such as customer support, sales, and marketing.
Both expanding and established businesses can benefit a lot from the added efficiency and convenience that CRM software can bring both to their employees and customers. This may make one think that a customer relationship system is integrated into the overall operations of most companies nowadays. However, figures gathered by Microsoft Dynamics are saying otherwise.
How important is CRM?
Almost 90% of companies says that automated management of customer data and interactions between them and their clients is extremely important. But out of the total population of brands using a CRM software, only 64.4% is doing data management right. The remaining 35.6% is having difficulties in this area, while 19.4% supposes that CRM is simply a vessel for storing information.
While the system is indeed used for keeping crucial details about clients, it can do a lot more than collecting and tracking transactions. Get the most out of your CRM software by using the data gathered there for analyzing trends, improving service quality, and fortifying your marketing strategies.
Who should use the program?
A whopping 81.9% of business leaders believe that privacy is of top importance in customer relation management. Even so, only 22.2% of them have a definite person in charge of data privacy.
Yes, CRM unifies client databases of different departments and synchronizes activities for every approved person in a company to see and review. Still, customers should be grouped according to certain factors such as transactions type, location, or departments handling them. Doing this works in two ways: first is that units get to focus on the particular account assigned to them, and second is that sensitive information gets to be protected and have limited access.
How does the software improve customer experience?
Ninety percent of experts believe that individual communication is crucial in CRM. But the fact that only 22% of businesses give customers individual treatment through their software contradicts the general belief.
Automation does make processes faster and more efficient, but this shouldn’t be achieved at the expense of personalized experience. Customers should still get the type of service that suits their unique needs regardless of the platform they receive assistance. Your CRM software should be used mainly for elevating customer satisfaction, not simply to alleviate data overload within the company.