The year 2014 promises of employment coming from call centers in the Philippines. With an estimated 372,000 jobs in the outsourcing industry waiting to be filled in the next three years, jobseekers will most likely flood recruitment centers and job fairs to land a seat in some of the country’s reputable and high-paying outsourcing firms.
You probably have a long experience in sifting through resumes and setting competent candidate apart from inexperienced ones, but in today’s evolving call center outsourcing landscape, your best hires should have the qualities that make a good call center agent. They should also be familiar with the current trends in the outsourcing industry.
Ability to use various customer service platforms
The multi-channeled customer service trend of 2013 will grow this year, so your new staff should be adept in conducting customer service through more than just phone lines.
Ask whether they are familiar with the popular tools and innovations, as customers today increasingly rely on social networks and mobile apps to ask for voice-based assistance. And as another part of your preparations, ensure that an overview of how they can present themselves in apps, video calls, and social media channels is included in their training modules.
Ability to cope with data overload
Extracting a great amount of information out of a customer in every conversation is a good ability to have, but knowing what to do with that information is a more crucial task in a call center. Customer service representatives today must know which data should be kept and which ones they should retrieve when fixing customer concerns.
You should explain why collecting too much data can be harmful to work and how addressing the caller’s problems should be above measuring your employees’ performance.
Recruiting for call centers in the Philippines is a great opportunity for you to get the global outsourcing industry’s cream of the crop, so don’t let the rush of the hiring season overwhelm you. Prepare your call center, and have a clear list of what you look for in a team.
Open Access BPO provides voice solutions to local and international businesses through the outsourcing firm’s Makati call center.