For 2013, experts predicted that end-users would largely dictate the IT outsourcing landscape by choosing the channel where they want services to be delivered and doing troubleshooting by themselves. Some IT jobs were also foreseen to be sourced from local firms as a means for businesses to cope with increasing wages of IT experts abroad.
True enough, these predictions emerged as trends that shaped the global IT outsourcing industry this year.
Do-it-yourself deals increased
In 2013, more IT organizations performed transactions free from the aid of costly external expertise.
“More buyers can do the basics of the business case, transaction, transition and governance design and operations,” said Stan Lepeak, KPMG director of global research. He added that businesses may require advice on more complex global deals or mixing of shared services, but they should be able to take care of the basics on their own.
Multi-channeled services became the norm
Video support and mobile apps were increasingly used to deliver IT support to help companies lower call volume and avoid congesting a single channel. These alternative channels were also made available to divert complaints and negative content from brands’ public pages.
IT jobs remained strong despite insourcing
About 10,000 outsourced tech jobs were predicted to be insourced to local firms or returned in-house. IT industries of outsourcing capitals, however, remained strong. Instances of insourcing may have come about, but the “trend” did not fully blossom.
K&L Gates partner Shawn Helms said, “For years people have been predicting the death of outsourcing and the rise of insourcing, but like the sign hanging in some bars that reads ‘free beer tomorrow,’ it never happens.”
Indeed, customers are gaining more control over the delivery of tech support services, but outsourcers are also finding ways to adhere to customer needs without hurting the business. 2013 marked the advent of these new innovations that will likely continue shaping the IT industry in 2014.
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